
Asthma Case 1

Nine year old I. M's asthma reponded well to the application of Genesen Acutouch.  The measure of his peak flow increased by 20% after 10 minutes from 200 I/min to 240 I/min. 
(CV 17 and 22 are pressure points referenced in the Users Manual.)

Asthma Case 2

Mr. I. S. fell from a roof and fractured 4 ribs.  Genesen Acutouch therapy diminished his pain to the extent that he was able to breathe better. 

Asthma Case 3

34-year-old Lucy Jwili has suffered from acute asthma for her whole life. It was kept at bay by excessive use of inhalers and medicine. Regular treatment in hospital was necessary the older she got, until she had an intense attack and had to be hospitalised for longer. Normal treatment didn’t help, and she was treated with the Acutouch Pointers. After a series of treatments she has no more serious problems with asthma and can sleep peacefully at night for the first time in her life.

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