Bone Fracture, Broken Ankle

Fracture pain

Peter Oescher writes: “In February 2000, I was involved in a motorcycle accident that fractured my T11 vertebrae. The fracture was picked up only several days after the event and it was too late for traction. In the months that followed I was in a lot of pain, using anti-inflammatories and painkillers, and I was in a back brace. With my hectic schedule it was not possible to see a physiotherapist on a regular basis.

When the pain became unbearable, I went to see a physiotherapist that used a combination of manipulation, massage and Genesen Acutouch Touch Pointer. The effect was immediate. I have since finished my treatment with the physio, but bought my own pair of Genesen Acutouch Touch Pointer that I use regularly on my back for pain and stress knot relief.“

Broken ankle

Mrs. C. tripped and fell over a step, tearing all her ankle ligaments and breaking the bones in her foot. Despite medical treatment, she experienced intense pain, and her foot was extremely swollen. 

After treating herself for approximately 6 weeks using Genesen Acutouch Touch Pointer Therapy, the swelling was completely gone and her foot was healed. During this time she used no painkillers or anti-inflammatory medication. 

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