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Depression Case 1
Within 4 treatments there was a marked improvement of between 80-90%. To my mind, it is absolutely vital for people who are predisposed to depression, to be able to self-administer a non-invasive treatment, such as Genesen Acutouch Touch Pointer therapy.
Depression Case 2
Ansu-Marie van der Walt is looking much better these days!
Ansu-Marie van der Walt is a matric person that has been diagnosed with major depression. Her parents worried because of her unstable moods and behaviour. By chance Ansu-Marie and her father visited a physiotherapist who suggested treatment with Genesen Acutouch Touch Pointer.
Months of psychiatric treatment and medication hadn't helped much, but after a month of treatment with Genesen Acutouch Touch Pointer there was a marked change in Ansu-Marie's behaviour. Her mother says, "Ansu-Marie has definitely showed positive changes in her behaviour. She is less aggressive and we get along better. She doesn’t complain about the needles-and-pins feeling that she used to experience and her medication is a lot less. I can really recommend this treatment."
Depression Case 3
Mrs. Petra is 24 years old and suffers from severe depression. She was institutionalized two years ago and medical costs were rising. Her medication alone was over R1,700 per month and was not very effective. After six Genesen Acutouch Touch Pointer treatments she stopped her medication altogether, but continued her Genesen Acutouch Touch Pointer therapy. She felt more confident and uplifted than she has felt in years. Today, she is a whole new person.
Genesen Acutouch Touch Pointer Therapy has become renowned for the lifting effect. This is linked with the success in curing ailments and conditions, which improves a patient’s mental state.
Genesen Acutouch Touch Pointer has also been proven to improve people’s sleeping patterns and blood circulation, which does a lot to better the emotional state of any human being.
Depression Case 4
At the age of 54 she had decided to have a hysterectomy. Soon after the surgery began, it was discovered that she was a haemophiliac (a “bleeder”) and the operation was immediately stopped.
Nine years later she jumped off a high wall and started bleeding excessively. A series of tests then revealed ovarian cancer. One ovarian growth equivalent in size to a four-month-old foetus was removed, and she was told that her right ovary could not be located. Various clinics, specialists and procedures were tried unsuccessfully.
The haemorrhaging never stopped, and Mrs. De Kock tried Genesen AcutouchTouch Pointer out of desperation. After a month’s treatment the pain and bleeding was dramatically reduced. Small fragments of material were excreted and classified as rotten surgical material. Since her bleeding started, she took special care of her personal hygiene and was convinced that a piece of surgical instrument was left in her during the operation.
After her second laparotomy and cauterization she was urged to continue with chemical treatment against her will. Minor bleeding still occurred especially from her bladder, and it was confirmed to be as result of the ovary that could not be located. A part of her bowel was also removed.
During this agonizing period, the Genesen Acutouch Touch Pointer greatly reduced her stress and the overwhelming feeling of hopelessness. Her discomfort and pain around her bladder was dramatically reduced. Muscular stiffness was greatly relieved and she healed more rapidly than she expected to.
**These case studies done by professional Genesen Team of South Africa.
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