Product Description
LobacB x 5 로박비 통증을 풀어주는 간편한 발명특허 받은 의료기기
Advantage of LobacB
1, Short time period of curing the pain
2. Simple method for curing the pain
3. Inexpensive therapy for using semi-permanent material.
4. Even though you have serious long-term pain, release of pain is quite amazing.
* Material: P-Type Semiconductor
* LobacB is revolutionary pain release system for 20 minutes in order to relieve or minimize the pain
* LobacB is the semiconductor for cure such as on the pain of knee, shoulder, low back, tail-bone, coax, heel, elbow, etc.
* LobacB is a patent product in Europe, USA, and Korea.
*** Case and Tape are not included to reduce the new price of $150 to the previous price of $100.
*** $150의 새로운 가격을 $100의 이전 가격으로 낮추기 위해 케이스와 테이프는 포함되어 있지 않습니다.
* One of the reason LobacB release the pain:
Pain caused when the nerve system produces Acetylcholine.
To disintegrate Acetylcholine, (1) Acetylcholine Esterase Enzyme, (2) Coenzyme, and (3) Cofactor are needed.
LobacB produces this element when it is attached to the skin.
As a result, the pain subsides and disappears.
* How to attach LobacB:
When you attach LobacB to your skin with tape, let "B" touch the skin.
You may consult with the Acutouch manual for LobacB application or patch on the place you feel pain.
LobacB is invented, patented, and manufactured by Woo-Jeong Ind. Inc., Seoul, Korea.
These statements for all products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
규격인증 사항
U.S FDA 등록[Device 2 Class]
세계여성발명 KIWIE상수상
P형반도체에의료용자기발생기를부착하다 .
[의료용자기발생기품목허가 04-784호]
본기기는반도체에영구자석(90Gauss ±20%)을부착한제품으로영구자석의 자기를이용한의료용자기발생기입니다.
LOBAC B는 환부의크기와위치에맞추어제품의한쪽면에테이프를잘라붙여 환부에부착하도록되어있는,
자기를띤원형칩형태제품으로인체에접촉하여 근육통완화에사용하는기기입니다.
capacitor의 주된기능은
가. 정류작용 [rectification]: 통증부위맥류를정류로전환
나. 분극작용 [polarization]: 통증부위탈분극을분극으로유도
다. 충전작용 [electrification]: 통증부위전위차를충전으로조절
라. 분해작용 [resolution]: 통증부위통각유발물질을분해
로박비 붙이는 요령
통점을 찾을 수 있는 부위- 통점에 부착
통점을 찾을 수 없거나 넓게 아픈 부위 - 신경총에 부착
야간 빈뇨[1알/요추 4번/붙이고 생활 함]
당뇨 [2알/흉추 7번 -명치좌측면/붙이고 생활 함]
코골이 [편도 붙이고 수면]