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Lower back pain Case 1
A 28-year-old nurse, Mrs. N. P., had a history of Scheuermann’s disease. For the preceding 4 years she had experienced lower back pain. After 15 minutes of treatment, she said she felt cured.
Lower back pain Case 2
M. E., a 29-year-old farmer, had strained his back lifting a heavy object . He complained of severe pain and was unable to straighten his back more than 45 degrees. His wife applied Genesen Acutouch Touch Pointer to his back the following day for 45 minutes. After applying Genesen Acutouch Touch Pointer, he walked away totally upright, virtually free of pain and no longer using a cane.
Lower back pain Case 3
Mrs. Marie Theron, a former school principal, is very impressed with her set of Touch Pointers. She uses them for a variety of ailments, but mainly for her injured back, and uses considerably less medication. She recommends Acutouch to anyone who suffers and wants to improve their quality of life.
Ankylosing Spondylitis (Bamboo Spine) Case 4
Throughout her medical career, Dr. Cato van Wyk had an unquestionable faith in quality Western medicine. A few years ago, a friend and well renowned businessman was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis at the Grootte Schuur Hospital. He suffered from immense pain and searched far and wide for some kind of relief. Genesen Acutouch Touch Pointer miraculously improved his condition and he is now capable of continuing his daily routine, without any pain or discomfort. Dr. van Wyk is now also an Genesen Acutouch Touch Pointer user.
**These case studies done by professional Genesen Team of South Africa.
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